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National Trust - Castle Ward | Downpatrick | Northern Ireland | Reino Unido

National Trust - Castle Ward

Atracción | Downpatrick | Northern Ireland | Reino Unido

Castle Ward es una casa señorial única del siglo XVIII cerca de Strangford, Condado de Down, Irlanda del Norte. Es especialmente conocido por su arquitectura inusual que combina dos estilos de construcción diferentes en un solo edificio. La fachada principal está en el estilo palladiano clásico con columnas y un frontón triangular, mientras que el lado opuesto está diseñado en estilo gótico georgiano, con ventanas apuntadas, almenas y pináculos. Esta dualidad arquitectónica refleja los gustos diferentes de Bernard Ward, primer vizconde de Bangor, y su esposa Lady Ann Bligh, quienes mandaron construir la propiedad a principios de la década de 1760.

La propiedad abarca alrededor de 332 hectáreas y ofrece una variedad de atracciones para los visitantes. Estas incluyen extensos jardines paisajísticos, una torre fortificada construida en 1610 por Nicholas Ward como estructura defensiva, así como una lavandería victoriana, un molino de grano en funcionamiento y una serrería. La ubicación en la orilla del Strangford Lough también proporciona vistas pintorescas y diversas actividades recreativas.

Otro punto destacado de Castle Ward es su papel como lugar de rodaje de la serie de televisión "Game of Thrones". La propiedad sirvió como escenario para "Invernalia", la sede de la Casa Stark. Los fanáticos de la serie pueden explorar los lugares de rodaje originales y participar en visitas guiadas especiales que brindan una mirada detrás de escena.

La historia de Castle Ward se remonta al siglo XVI, cuando la propiedad originalmente conocida como Carrick na Sheannagh pertenecía a los Condes de Kildare. En 1570 fue adquirida por Bernard Ward y renombrada como Castle Ward. A lo largo de los siglos, la propiedad experimentó varias renovaciones y expansiones, siendo la estructura actual principalmente el resultado de las obras de construcción en la década de 1760.

Hoy en día, Castle Ward es administrado por el National Trust y está abierto al público. Los visitantes pueden recorrer la casa señorial, explorar los jardines y participar en diversas actividades que se ofrecen durante todo el año. La propiedad también cuenta con numerosos senderos para caminar y andar en bicicleta a lo largo del lago y a través de bosques sombríos que invitan a la exploración y observación de la naturaleza.

Castle Ward es un fascinante ejemplo de excentricidad arquitectónica y patrimonio histórico en Irlanda del Norte. Su mezcla única de estilos de construcción, su rica historia y su entorno pintoresco lo convierten en un destino que vale la pena visitar para aquellos interesados tanto en la cultura como en la naturaleza.
National Trust - Castle Ward Downpatrick

Datos de contacto



BT30 7BA Downpatrick

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Domingo10:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 16:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 16:00


2801 Reseñas

rosemary devonald

We go often

TLDR - Nice Walk, But Really Expensive For What It Is.. First time ever going here, and was greeted by someone at the "Payment Hut" who immediately asked if we had a National Trust Membership, we said, No, your okay, we dont really visit National Trust places. (it was a one off) After hearing this, they then proceeded to really try and sell us the Yearly Membership Pass (which is about £150) and all the benefits it has, we politely said No, we're okay, but thank you. They bluntly reply with; "£13.00 Each Then".....JUST TO GO FOR A WALK To be fair, you do get a Folding A5 Map for your £26 per couple.. 🙄 🤦🏻‍♂️
Hugh Shiels

Stunning scenery, great walks. Tea rooms and gift shop excellent
Ethna Moore

The best of everything at Castleward, architecture, gardens, forest, monuments and seashore. There’s something for everyone. Friendly, knowledgeable staff.
Kevin B

Ok, mais pas extra.
Brian tugs

Great Christmas Fayre on Sunday, excellent coffee and Dexter beef sausage rolls
Cee Macmurph

Lots of trails to follow around this estate. We just done the 3km one as we'd got there later in the day. Beautiful view across Strangford lough over to Portaferry. Easy trail, mainly flat. Would return again. As its a National Trust property you have to pay to get in and it's per person not per car the way it used to be so maybe an expensive day for families
Anthony Jones

We visited Castle Ward during the lead up to Halloween. There was plenty for the children visiting. We did the house tour and it is full of history. It is a guided tour however. We much prefer walking round ourselves. The cafe provided everything you may need for a lunch or snack. The National Trust could do with spending some money at Castle Ward to improve the grounds and maybe marking the car parking bays. All in all, a lovely day out.
Allen Odonoghue

Beautiful park with plenty of walks. We had intended to visit the house but when we went to get tickets they were all gone as it is limited ticketed viewing so if you do plan to visit the house, go into the reception and get the house tour tickets when you first arrive.
Elizabeth Baker

Having seen this property on a couple of TV programmes over the last year, was really looking forward to visiting and not disappointed. The house really is one of two halves, the classic and the gothic, and being related to Horace Walpole, I was delighted to find out about his influence on the gothic half! The room guides are very knowledgeable and friendly, and had a few chats with them and lots of interesting items to see. When we visited, as it was the weekend before Halloween, there was a themed craft fair, in the stable block and I did purchase a couple of presents for friends. The area was nicely decorated for Halloween and there is also a cafe, gift shop and the obligatory 2nd hand bookshop! Unfortunately due to time and the heavy rain, we couldn't visit the rest of the site so we have a good reason to revisit. There is an entry fee but free to National Trust members.
Lisa F

Beautiful day to visit! Emma's tour of the house was great- very knowledgable. The seals were out on the coastal trail walk too. Well worth a visit
Gill Griffin

We had a lovely 3hrs at Castle Ward. You enter the estate via the pretty sunken garden which is well worth a walk around. The house is not open in October on Tuesdays and in December closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But check the website. Walking around the house is by tour only and the tour guide (Billy?) was excellent. Look for the very different styles of the front and back sections of the castle. The castle has stunning interiors that are looked after very well. The laundry is well worth a visit especially if you remember your mother or grandmother using the flat irons and the mangle. Plenty of marked walks and cycle tracks around the estate. I noticed bikes put out in the courtyard by staff which I guess are for hire, but check first. The trails are from 2km to 13kms and walkers and bikers are asked to walk in an anti clockwise direction. We enjoyed the Farm Trail 4km circular walk taking in the shoreline and the filming location for the Battle of Oxcross in Game of Thrones. The cafe and shop offer a good selection and we bought several books from the secondhand bookshop at very reasonable prices. In all a beautiful day at a lovely location with friendly staff.
Anne Bennett

Great day out
Karen Murray

Great walks and lovely spot to let dogs run free.
Douglas Shannon

Brilliant cottages, and walks.
Alex Russell

an unbelievable house full of genuine memories and excellent activities on the grounds plus a courtyard cafe and shop.
joanne hughes

I love castle ward woodland walks. Very well maintained and noticed today a tree swing has appeared for the kids. It's a good workout walk .. I went from the bottom carpal in the red trail
James Andrew Barr

Interesting history and beautiful location. Amazing views of Strangford lough.


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